The charcoal face mask is one of the high grossing and most popular product nowadays, especially among the youth. Its popularity is growing at a high speed. The main reason for its growing popularity is that its very easy to use. Open it, apply it on your face. Wait for it to harden and then peel it off. The output is the smoother and radiant skin.

6 things to know about the charcoal face mask

  • Activated charcoal: The charcoal used in the charcoal face mask is not the charcoal used for barbeque and in tandoors. The charcoal used for skin care is activated charcoal which has an increased absorbency. It firstly draws bacteria, dirt, and dust from your skin and helps in cleaning your skin.

  • Removes blackheads: It always said that charcoal masks remove blackheads but the question arises that whether it removes complete blackheads or not? So, the simple answer is while peeling off the mask it removes small blackheads and whiteheads off your skin.
  • Removes toxins: Yes, charcoal face masks remove toxins. It draws out bacteria, dirt, impurities from your skin. It also removes makeup left in your pores and leaves your skin with a natural glow.
  • Painful ( yes or no ?): Yes, it can be painful sometimes during peeling. The pain is not that much but to some people, it can be very intense. While peeling it off, the mask is removing cells from the outer layer of the skin and small hair along with it making it painful.
  • Easy application: The best thing about the face masks is that it is easy to apply. The blend of ingredients works together to offer an easy application. The charcoal mask also ensures easy removal. It’s just you need to peel it from down to upside of the face.
  • Fights tan: Activated charcoal face mask helps in fighting tan as it removes toxins and impurities from the skin. The collagen production makes your skin tighter and smoother giving youthful experience.


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